In a recent op-ed, President Carter takes issue with the Supreme Court’s ban on race-based preferential treatment in college admissions. Indicating that FMU will not change its practices, he writes, “If there are students who need a little more help than others because of disadvantages or encumbrances in their lives, this is the school whereContinue reading “Carter Comments on Supreme Court Ruling”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
President’s Message
Greetings AAUP-FM Members, The AAUP-FM has been busy with legislation in the Assembly via the AAUP-SC, the Fall and Spring Fora, issues concerning salary, equity for contingent faculty, the future of the Provost/Dean position in CLA, and a few confidential issues concerning faculty. Bills Aimed at Higher Education All of the pre-filed bills in bothContinue reading “President’s Message”
Hopla Advocates for Statewide Healthcare
AAUP-FM member Deb Hopla has been working hard to improve healthcare in our state. As a board member of the Coalition for Access to Healthcare, she has been lobbying for Senate Bill 553, which allows full practice authority (FPA) for Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse Midwives. If the policy is adopted, South Carolina would joinContinue reading “Hopla Advocates for Statewide Healthcare”
Join Us for the SC State AAUP Meeting
The AAUP-SC state Conference will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Join us to meet faculty from around the state and to work on pressing issues. This meeting will be hybrid: in person at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg and online. Continental breakfast and lunch are includedContinue reading “Join Us for the SC State AAUP Meeting”
Officers Elected for 2023-2024
During our Spring 2023 chapter meeting, we elected the following members to serve on the executive committee during the upcoming academic year. Congratulations, new officers! Pres. Shawn Smolen-Morton Vice-Pres. Christine Masters-Wheeler Secretary Nathan Flowers Treasurer Kathy McCoy At-large Steven Sims At-large Adam Houle At-large Deb Hopla
Commencement Speech Defends Academic Freedom
During the Fall 2022 commencement ceremonies, Francis Marion President Fred Carter asked attendees to recognize the important role that academic freedom plays in providing high-quality education. Carter’s remarks weigh in on the current political climate that has been increasingly hostile towards the rights of faculty members to determine what they teach. Below we share Dr.Continue reading “Commencement Speech Defends Academic Freedom”
Fall Forum Set for November 17
Francis Marion faculty members are encouraged to attend the 2022 AAUP Fall Forum being held on Thursday, November 17th, 4:00 pm, at the Lowrimore Auditorium. Fall and Spring Forums are open to all members of the FMU faculty, regardless of rank or tenure status. The Fall Forum this year will focus on special activities andContinue reading “Fall Forum Set for November 17”
New Faculty Introduction Seminar Scheduled for Sept. 9
The AAUP University Introduction Seminar will be held on Friday, September 9, from 4:00 to 6:00PM at The Cottage. The seminar will begin with a welcome from President Carter, followed by a dinner buffet with water, soft drinks, beer, and wine. New faculty members’ questions about the university will be the focus, but the event will alsoContinue reading “New Faculty Introduction Seminar Scheduled for Sept. 9”
Spring Forum Set for March 31
The Francis Marion University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-FM) invites our faculty to attend the 2022 AAUP Spring Forum to be held Thursday, March 31, 4:00 PM, at Chapman Auditorium. Fall and Spring Forums are open to all members of the FMU faculty, regardless of rank or tenure status. This Spring Forum features President Carter and Provost King speaking on a variety of topics followed by aContinue reading “Spring Forum Set for March 31”
Early Chapter History Published
Our executive committee has been compiling an early history of the AAUP-FM chapter. This history has been published on the new website. As time allows, executive committee members will continue writing the narrative and bring the history up to date.